About Me

My name is Keith Hughes, I own a mansion and a yacht. I live in Rochester Hills, MI with my wife, daughter, and a slightly annoying cat. I am a 2008, 2009, and 2010 winner of NaNoWriMo, and write whenever I can fit it in. I have been podcasting since 2009 when I released my first podiobook Borrowed Time.

I also blog occasionally at Ramblings of an Undisciplined Mind.

You can reach me in any of the following ways:

Skype:Keith Hughes or edgizmo
Facebook: Keith Hughes, Penslinger page

All feedback is appreciated and cherished!

Keith Hughes's books on Goodreads

Borrowed TimeBorrowed Time
reviews: 2
ratings: 4 (avg rating 3.33)

The Guerrilla PoetThe Guerrilla Poet
ratings: 1 (avg rating 0.0)

Please visit the Keith Hughes, Penslinger page on Facebook to discuss Borrowed Time, Stolen Time, The Guerrilla Poet, or my other works.