July 10, 2009

Borrowed Time Launch Date Set

I am excited to announce that Borrowed Time will launch on Penslinger.com on July 15 in conjunction with Podiobooks.com. This has been a long time coming, and I am looking forward to sharing the first episodes with you. That's right, I said episodes, with an "s."

On July 15 you will get not one, not two, not three or four episodes, you will get the first FIVE episodes of the Borrowed Time podiobook straight to your podcatcher, newsreader, or iTunes for your listening pleasure. Whether you subscribe to the book via Podiobook.com or Penslinger.com, you will get all five episodes on July 15. After that, episodes will be released weekly until the book is done.

But wait! There's more! If you subscribe to the Penslinger.com feed you will also receive the first companion episode to the podiobook. These companion episodes will include my insights about the chapters that have been released so far, feedback I have received, and other bits of useless, er, interesting, trivia. And a complete set of Ginsu knives! OK, no knives, but you will receive cutting-edge commentary that may just slice your veggies for you.

So if you just want pure story, head on over to Podiobooks.com and sign up for your own custom feed that will release episodes when YOU say. If you want the whole Borrowed Time experience, including the commentary episodes that are sure to become a collector's item, then subscribe to the podcast feed at Penslinger.com.

No matter which feed you choose, be sure to subscribe to the Penslinger blog feed in your favorite news reader to keep up with all the Borrowed Time news.

The clock is ticking, and when the countdown reaches zero the adventure begins!

In the race for the future, time has no boundaries

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