July 18, 2009

iTunes problems are resolved...mostly

As I reported last time there was an issue with the Borrowed Time episodes that was preventing them from downloading into iTunes. I managed to overcome my techtardness and discover what the issue was and fix the episode files.

If you subscribed to the full feed of the book from www.Penslinger.com then you can click the Get or Get All buttons in iTunes to download the episodes.

If you subscribed to the story-only feed of the book from www.Podiobooks.com you will still have problems downloading the episodes into iTunes. I am working with the fine folks at Podiobooks to resolve this, but technical difficulties outside of all our control is making it take longer than I had hoped.

I will post another update when we have the Podiobooks feed resolved. Thank you for your patience with me as I'm working to get this story to you in whatever format you desire.

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