October 27, 2009


It's just a few days until NaNoWriMo 2009 and I'm gearing up for the eff / / / [ WARNING ::: DATABASE ERROR ::: CONTENT OVERRIDE ::: SOURCE: EXTERNAL ] \ \ \

/ / / source terminal location: UNKNOWN
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 the post you are now reading is designed to dull your senses to THE TRUTH.  do not live the life of the worker bee, the cog, the well-oiled piston in the MACHINE OF DECEIT!

there is a grand CONSPIRACY afoot.  you have been taught to believe that you are UNIQUE, one of a kind. THIS IS NOT TRUE. long ago, a cabal of scientists created technologies to ensure that ANYONE'S MIND AND BODY can be duplicated.

human cloning isn't NEAR. it's already HERE. discover the truth at http://JCHutchins.net

you are being DECEIVED. break free from the cogs, flee the hive, become A PROPHET OF THE TRUTH!

kilroy2. was here ... kilroy2.0 is everywhere

/ / /  [ CONTENT OVERRIDE CEASES ::: DATABASE STATUS: RECOVERING ]  \ \ \lly looking forward to sharing my NaNo experience with you.

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