July 30, 2010

Time Out! Episode 13 - The Guerrilla Poet LAUNCH!

In this episode of the Time Out! podcast I discuss:
  • Feedback - new Podiobooks reviews
  • The Borrowed Time ebook - Now available in many online stores
  • Writing progress - The YA novel is DONE!
  • Naming the new Facebook group page
  • Launch announcement for The Guerrilla Poet - - August 12!!
  • The Time Out! podcast is going on hiatus.
I also play promos for:
  • Cyprosis - http://www.cybrosisnovel.com/
  • The Guerrilla Poet - final cut promo, available here

Run time: 21:38

Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting "Save target as..."

My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-7bd36af24defd6d112d8631dfa7149ae}

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