September 3, 2010

The Guerrilla Poet Companion Episode 1

The first companion episode where I discuss chapters 1-5 of the Guerrilla Poet. This was recorded LIVE on September 2, 2010.

On the whole I thought the episode went well, although there was some sort of technical foobar that prevented me from hearing people calling in. I might try to find something other than Talkshoe for the next live episode on September 23 at 9PM.

Run time: 47:45

Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting "Save target as..."

1 comment:

Gary G said...

This was my first live episode and it was fun. I listened to the whole thing the next morning and noticed I missed a few things since I turned my sound down while I called in. Good recaps and info from Keith, and really liked the playful banter from the chat room. Looking forward to the next one!