December 30, 2010

The Guerrilla Poet - Episode 23

Start the jubilee, it's episode twenty three!

That's right, it is the last episode of The Guerrilla Poet. Thank you so much for coming along with Trev and Alan on their adventures. I really appreciate everyone who has been listening to the podcast.

If you enjoyed the story please leave me a review on iTunes, as this is the best way to attract new listeners to the book.

I will be releasing a non-live companion episode on January 6th. If you have a question or comment you would like included in that episode please call me at 248-289-0143 or e-mail me at

In this episode Trev emerges from Alan Porter's tomb and finds himself face to face with a surprising foe. He discovers that society faces a greater danger than his darkest thoughts had ever imagined. Facing this threat, Trev must do his part to see Alan's story come to a successful conclusion.

Run time: 33:05

ress Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting "Save target as..."

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