January 28, 2011

The Time Out! Podcast #14 - Lookin' Back & Movin' Forward

The Time Out! Podcast is back on the air!  So to speak. :-)

In this episode I cover a little feedback for my novels:
I'd like to do a story for PodioRacket's anthology set in the world of Borrowed Time. Please e-mail me any situations or characters you'd like me to explore in a short piece of fiction.

I took a few minutes to review what I accomplished in 2010 with my writing and podcasting, then looked forward to my plans for 2011.

Podcasts or Ebooks? I put a poll up at Penslinger.com asking if you'd rather continue receiving podcasts of my fiction, or receive chapters as a weekly ebook/PDF. Please take a minute and cast your vote for your preference.

Promo: Jake Bible's Dead Mech Kindle rush at Amazon on March 1st.

Run time: 17:25

Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting "Save target as..."

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