June 6, 2011

Ebook Death Match

Starting today I am embarking on an ebook selling competition against Scott Roche, a fellow author who also podcasts his work. This competition has a twist, however: I'm selling his ebook and he's selling mine! We're in an all-out sprint to see who can sell more of the other's book by June 20th.

So while Scott is busily hawking the ebook for Borrowed Time, I am asking that you buy Scott's horror anthology Through A Glass, Darkly. I have read it and found it enjoyable with enticing characters and unexpected twists (Check out GoodReads or Amazon for a more detailed review). The ebook is available on the Amazon Kindle Store and on Smashwords. At the low, low price of $2.99 you can't lose, and you'll be helping me win this pivotal bout!

But there's more! Scott and I have agreed that the loser will have to perform some sort of activity, and we want your suggestions for what that might be. Send me your ideas by June 13th, and we'll create a poll where everyone can vote for their favorite. Then when Scott loses we'll all get to see him perform the highest-ranked idea.

Check out the promo below, and if you know any podcasters please send this to them and ask that they play this before June 20th.

So thanks in advance for supporting me in this competition, and stayed tuned for more in the days ahead!

Run time: 1:51

Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting "Save target as..."


Scott Roche said...

I'm gonna take you down to Chinatown.

kh said...

Wait until I do a little Chop Suey on yer butt!