June 15, 2011

Time Out! Podcast #15 - Ebook Death Match and Beyond...

In this episode I cover:

Initial edits are completed for Stolen Time, and it has been turned over to the Pianoeditor and her fourteen-inch Pencil of Doom©.  

Borrowed Time is on the Amazon Kindle Store! I also go over listener stats for the BT podcast.

I play the promo for Ebook Death Match and talk a bit about the marketing contest where I am competing against fellow  Scott Roche. I am trying to sell his horror anthology Through a Glass, Darkly, while he is trying to sell Borrowed Time. Support me by buying a copy of Scott's book from Kindle or Smashwords before June 20!

Visit the Facebook event page for EDM to see all the great content Scott and I have produced. Also be sure to vote for what the loser (Scott, of course) get to perform on video.

Watch out! I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it. I announced that I am now occasionally providing blog-only content on a variety of topics. Subscribe to the blog feed or sign up to receive posts via e-mail to make sure you don't miss a thing!

Run time: 16:13

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