July 22, 2011

Glimpses of the Past and Future

I am very pleased to be able to finally announce from the roof tops that I am part of the Podioracket Presents: Glimpses anthology that launches today on Podiobooks.com as a free podcast!

Authors were invited to write an short story set in the world of one of their titles on the Podiobooks site. I wrote  Fleeting Time, which is a between-the-cracks story set in the world of my time travel novel Borrowed Time. Those who have experienced Borrowed Time will recognize where the this tale fits in with the larger story. And if you haven't heard the novel, Fleeting Time is a great introduction to the world and conflicts of the longer work..

I don't know which episode will feature Fleeting Time, so go to Podiobooks.com and subscribe today. And if you need to bone up on Borrowed Time you can subscribe to the podcast here, or if you prefer it in text get the ebook here.

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