March 7, 2011

A Mind-Blowing Thought...

I had a mind-blowing thought last week: why not use the Penslinger blog as...  wait for it... a blog! I know, radical idea, right?  Anyway I'm going to try to post here about once a week with my progress on Stolen Time, thoughts about writing, or whatever else tickles my fancy. I'll still be releasing occasional episodes of The Time Out! Podcast, but I hope to be more frequent with these posts.

Two other things happened last week and they are somewhat related: I finished my second read-through of Stolen Time, and I bought a Kindle. The relationship was that I was not allowing myself to buy my Kindle until I had the read-though done. I'm a carrot-on-a-stick kinda guy, and there is no bigger carrot for me than a new gadget! I will write more about the Kindle in a separate post, but suffice it to say that I love it!

So back to ST. I read through it in January without making any notes. This was just to remind myself of the story. After all, I hadn't been in that world since I finished writing it in November 2009. In February I went back through it doing some initial edits, and also made notes on rewrites and changes needed in order to make it chock full of awesome.

Alas, this week I won't be starting on incorporating those changes. I have something to write for the Podioracket Glimpses anthology, and I'm hoping to get that cranked out this week.

That's all for today, so until next time... be seeing you!


Unknown said...

What are you writing for Podioracket?

Gary G said...

So, that last comment was actually from me. Didn't realize it was going to log in with her account.

kh said...

I'm not totally decided. I've got s couple of thoughts. One involving Dr. Bertrand, and the other involving Ness. I've got to figure out which direction to go.