July 22, 2011

Video: I Lost Ebook Death Match

Here is my losers video from Ebook Death Match, sung to the tune of Don't Stand So Close to Me by The Police. Enjoy!

Two authors, come fighting
To sell the other's work.
Scott Roche thinks he's mighty
I'm sure I'll move his book
But then there's disaster
When all the sales are done
We counted -- it's official
No doubt that Scott has won

I lost, I lost it
I lost Ebook Death Match

I lost, I lost it
I lost Ebook Death Match

I came out, hard hitting
He'd get his just dessert
Scott bribed with his short stories
A jab that really hurt
We circled, we grappled
On Amazon we fought
But when the... dust settled
Scott raised the victor's belt

I lost, I lost it
I lost Ebook Death Match

I lost, I lost it
I lost Ebook Death Match

I made a... great promo
To sell I try and try
"Do it for... the puppies!"
Became my battle cry
Trreed made us a bit strip
That made me laugh and smile
I thought I would win this
But-Scott pwned me all the while

I lost, I lost it
I lost Ebook Death Match

I lost, I lost it
I lost Ebook Death Match


Gary G said...

Writing songs has always been too easy for you, and this one is no exception. Are you going to open for Weird Al some day?

kh said...

Yeah, writing the song wasn't the hardest part, although it took me a while to come up with what the tune and subject would be. Creating the video was the part that caused me the most concern, but I was happy with the final result.