September 2, 2011

A Word From You Means A Lot

A word from you means a lot... and I'm not just sucking up. Well, maybe a little bit. Because I'm standing here with my digital hat in hand, asking plaintively for your help. I'm working hard to transition my writing from a hobby to a revenue-generating venture, and in order for that to happen YOU are a vital ingredient.

What I ask is simple: if you have listened to the Borrowed Time podcast, or if you have read the ebook, please take a couple of minutes and leave me a review on Amazon. Even if you bought the ebook from some other store, a review on the Kindle store will attract the most attention. I'll even make it easy for you by providing the link to the book here.

Every review helps get the book get noticed, and a solid base of reviews on Borrowed Time will really help when Stolen Time hits the streets. Not only that, but you'll have my undying gratitude and respect. And you know you want that!


Joshua said...

You are so opposed to drinking the Apple Kool-Aid, yet you swim in the Amazon Kool-Aid . . .

kh said...

Amazon is not Apple, my friend, and since they are the biggest ebook market in the world...