November 23, 2011

The Time Out! Podcast #17 - Ebook Extravanganza

In this episode I cover:

Podioracket's anthology
Glimpses is now available as an ebook on Amazon and Smashwords! This includes my short story Fleeting Time. And exclusively for Time Out! listeners promo code AW36V can be used on the Smashwords site to get this excellent collection of kick-butt stories for FREE. All I ask is that if you use this code that you take a few minutes and leave a review for the book on Amazon and Smashwords. 

n more ebook news the price of Borrowed Time has now been reduced to a measly 99 cents! Head to Amazon or Smashwords today to get your copy so you'll be ready for the advent of Stolen Time. Also please leave me a review on Amazon so we can build the buzz for this series.

Principle recording of for the
Stolen Time podcast has been completed! Editing of the audio will take place during the rest of November and into December. Currently a January release is planned. Stay tuned for more details!

I also play the promo for

Run time: 10:35

Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting "Save target as..."

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