June 27, 2012

The Time Out! Podcast #18 - Stolen Time Announcement!

In this episode I cover:

I did a little audio work as the announcer for Caine Dorr's podcast: Masked Marauder Matinee. Go check it out!

I announce that podcast episodes for Stolen Time start dropping on July 18th! As a bonus you get two episodes the first week, and one a week thereafter. The ebook will also be available for purchase at all major ebook retailers.  

You'll want to be ready for the advent of Stolen Time, and the best way to do that is to pick up the ebook of Borrowed Time, now only a measly 99 cents! Head to Amazon or Smashwords today to get your copy. Also please leave me a review on Amazon so we can build the buzz for this series. 

I also play the promo for Glimpses.

Run time:7:54

Press Play on the player above or download the episode here by right clicking and selecting "Save target as..."

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